By Laws
Changes to the LEA By-Laws
The following changes to the current LEA By-Laws were voted on during the meeting on November 18, 2015.
Political Action Committee
Eliminate current political action committee and replace with MTA position
Replace with MTA Political Action Leader (PAL)
MTA pays $350 stipend, appointed by local president
Allows us to reallocate $500 in LEA budget to president’s stipend
Professional Growth Committee
Eliminate the committee and replace with a representative
Appoint one representative to attend PGC meetings at district level
Provide $100 stipend to rep who can be a building rep as well
Building Representatives
Reallocate PGC funds of $600 to building reps
New stipend would be $125 (an increase of $25 per rep)
Public Relations Committee
Eliminate committee, and replace with web manager position
Duties to include - updating website as requested / needed with calendar dates, notices
Maintaining email list, sending email notices
Web manager will be a member of the Board of Directors
Membership Committee
Remove membership committee and transfer current membership committee duties to treasurer’s position
Stipend is already paid to treasurer as there has not been a membership committee in place
Add the ability to have co-treasurers
Update Addendum A, Salaries
President $4,500
Vice-President $1,500
Treasurer $3,000
Secretary $1,250
Web Manager $500
Unit Representatives $125